Monday, 19 May 2014

Where did it all go wrong

Recently I've had the fortunate privilege of having to take time out of social care for health reasons. I say fortunate because there were many unanswered questions in my head which were somewhat confusing, particularly in relation to what is going wrong in social care? Why does it seem to be in such a rapid state of decline in terms of standards & social worth.
Now let's be honest, it would be all too easy to blame the current economic climate driving down pay, eroding terms & conditions etc. we all know that during times of austerity societies most vulnerable are always hit hardest, but to be honest it's really pissed me off listening to providers procrastinate about margins getting tighter, markets failing due to the economic downturn etc etc etc now I'm not naive enough to think it doesn't impact but the fact that providers continue with this lame excuse pisses me off!
During my period of reflection I feel the answer is far simpler & it is this;

'We have created our own culture of competition which itself breeds fear, when we should have been embracing the culture of sharing'

What happened to passion? Creativity? Desire? Doing something for social good? These are the basics of social care. So to cut a long story short, I want providers to stop whining, stop competing, stop trying to undercut each other & embrace a culture of sharing, of partnership, developing trade offs & most of all providers should get their heads out of their arses & work together, just like we used to & for the greater good, we work with & for vulnerable people & they deserve better.
So let's stop competing & start sharing.

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